Home and Away

Home and Away Spoilers – Dana accuses John of discrimination

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Eden and Tim’s new relationship threatens Abby’s recovery, while Dana accuses John of discrimination.

Eden’s (Stephanie Panozzo) new relationship causes waves next week, and could well cause a setback in sister Abigail’s (Hailey Pinto) recovery.

After much persuasion from her siblings, Abby has finally settled down into sessions with counsellor Tim (George Pullar), only for Eden to find herself drawn to him following a family counselling session.

Having seen how much Eden had been struggling with Abby’s views against her, Tim shared a drink with her at Salt where there was an undeniable spark.

Last week saw the two share a kiss, before eventually succumbing to temptation by sleeping together.

Eden’s housemate Remi (Adam Rowland) was concerned when he found out, suggesting that Eden was on the rebound after her ex Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) announced he was leaving town, and that it was crazy to hook up with her sister’s counsellor.

When Eden later read a letter that Abby had written her, a task given to her by Tim, she was overcome with guilt as Abby explained how she’d always looked up to her and was proud to be her sister.

Showing brother Levi (Tristan Gorey) the letter, Eden admitted that she had slept with Tim.

As we return to the scene next week, Levi is furious that Eden could be so selfish, pointing out that Abby is extremely fragile and how any setbacks could find her right back at square one.

Eden later invites Tim over where she’s planning on putting a stop to things, but after he again stays the night they realise they want to be together, and need to find a way to ensure Abby doesn’t get hurt in the process.

After seeing Tim come out of Eden’s room again, Remi meets up with Levi and explains that whilst it’s a bad decision, Eden is the happiest he’s seen her in a long time.

Levi invites Tim over to the farmhouse to talk. As he arrives, Tim tells Levi that he appreciates he has concerns, but before he can say any more, Levi punches Tim to the floor!

Concern doesn’t even come close,” Levi tells him.

As Levi hands him an ice pack, Tim states that he’s entitled to a private life, but Levi points out that it could have been with anyone else.

Tim realises he may have crossed a line, but with Levi now doing the same he doesn’t see any point in carrying on the conversation, so leaves.

When Tim later finds that his car has broken down outside Eden’s place, Cash approaches and offers to assist by lending him some jump leads.

Tim’s grateful for the help, with both of them oblivious to each other’s identities…

Eden’s guilt spikes when Abby invites Tim to join them at Salt. Eden later decides that she and Tim need to make a sacrifice by ending things now, before Abby gets hurt.

Tim has another strategy however, and meeting up with Abby again later on, he gently explains that he cannot be her counsellor any more, claiming that he has too many clients on his books.

Abby is devastated as she heads home and tells Levi that Tim has dropped her.

Quietly seething, Levi tries to assure Abby that they’ll find someone better, but Abby states that she will not work with anyone else as she heads to her room.

Has Tim just made a massive mistake?

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, there’s trouble in paradise when Dana (Ally Harris) accuses surf club manager John (Shane Withington) of discrimination!

The pair seem to have been the perfect team since Dana completed her bronze medallion to become a volunteer lifesaver last May, but there’s one ambition that Dana has yet to fulfildriving the surf club’s Can-Am buggy, John’s pride and joy.

This week as she starts her shift, Dana once again asks John if she can drive, but it’s a firm no as he quips that he doesn’t have a death wish.

Dana later makes a point of quizzing Mali (Kyle Shilling), in front of John, about how he treats all his employees equally, and suggests that John could learn from him.

John denies that he’s ever showed favouritism towards the other lifesavers over her, and drives off in a huff. Dana’s words appear to cut deep though, as John seeks reassurance from Mackenzie (Emily Weir) over whether he treats his staff equally.

Dana in the meantime vents to Xander, pointing out that all the other lifesaverswho happen to be malehave been allowed to drive the buggy.

Xander agrees that it doesn’t seem fair, as Dana vows to fight it.

Dana confronts John in the clubroom and rips into him, telling him that he obviously has an issue with strong, independent women and is discriminating against her as a result.

Dana refuses to be held back by his “sexist, antiquated values“.

When John manages to get a word in, he points out that it’s simply the case that all the other lifesavers have completed their induction for driving the buggy. Dana immediately takes offence as she asks why she hasn’t yet been given that opportunity.

John tries to explain, but by now Dana is fully on her soapbox.

No John, women have historically been marginalised in the workforce due to systemic misogyny…” she loudly informs him for all to hear.

However, John manages to interrupt to ask if she checked her emails recently, pointing out that she has had several emails from the club asking her to complete induction… she just hadn’t bothered reading them!

As Dana becomes defensive and asks why he didn’t tell her that’s all she had to do, John points out that she’s had a lot going on, and had in fact asked to cut down on her shifts. He didn’t want to add to her pressure.

But if you want to resign then so be it,” John says dejectedly. “It must be difficult working with a dinosaur like me…

As John slinks away, Dana feels awful.

Dana hurriedly completes the paperwork and delivers it back to John, who ignores her invitation to dinner and states they’ll start the training the following morning.

The next day, Xander is amused to see Dana finally fulfilling the dream, overtaking on foot as she drives the buggy at a snail’s pace along the beach with John’s guidance.

Later, now fully authorised to drive, Dana asks John to celebrate with her, but he again turns her down and states that what she said was hurtful.

Dana asks if they can hit the reset button, but John explains it’s not that easy.

I thought the world of you,” he tells her. “But to hear you think so lowly of me…

As JP shuts the door on Dana, we’re left wondering if this is the end of a beautiful friendship!

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