Home and Away

New storm in Home And Away: Cantona Stewart’s appearance shocks the audience

He was placed on the night shift, which meant hours spent wandering an empty shopping mall.

As he explained to girlfriend Eden (Stephanie Panozzo), his partner wiled away the time on his phone, leaving Cash completely alone, and the most excitement to date came when when a shopkeeper had forgotten their keys.

Working for a private security firm with multiple contracts in the area, he hoped he could be transferred to a more exciting role. However, his boss soon confirmed that there weren’t currently any roles available, prompting Cash to make a spur-of-the-moment decision to quit, landing himself unemployed once again.

This week, Eden is surprised to see Cash come out of his room in a smart suit and tie, more excited than she’s seen him in months. TV Week reports that Cash is set to be interviewed by a potential new client, but he has no idea who it is or why they need him.

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