Home and Away

Home and Away fans slam 2025 premiere. ‘Too slutty’

With Cash facing arrest, there could be one person to step in and save him.

Home and Away is back and off to a dramatic start! Photo: Seven
Home and Away is back and off to a dramatic start! Photo: Seven

If you’ve been left with an empty void in your life because of Home and Away’s absence, then good news: the popular soap is back for another year and has launched straight back into the drama as though it never even left our screens.

The show picked up right where it left off, with a blood-soaked and concussed Cash awaking next to a nearly dead Tim, with no memory of what the hell happened between the two of them after their argument. As Bree rushed to save Tim’s life, and the rest of the group that were on the trip tried to put the pieces together, a new detective arrived (even before the paramedics, go figure) to figure out what the hell happened.

As the detective questioned everyone, fans couldn’t help but feel a little disgruntled that one person in particular, Remi, didn’t step in the tell the police that Cash had divulged some of the information to him about Tim’s crazed ex-client Nerida.

home and away 2025 premiere
Home and Away 2025 premiere. Credit: Channel Seven

With Cash the main suspect in the potential assault, if not murder of Tim, fans are turning on Remi for keeping his mouth shut, not only to the police but to Eden and the other members of Lyrik, about the ongoing Tim and Nerida situation.

“If only Remi said something when Cash called him and told him what happened, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened,” one person commented. “I don’t care if I have people come at me for saying this but in part, I blame Remi for this.”

Would you trust this man? Photo: Seven

Would you trust this man? Photo: Seven

“I blame Remi too,” another person agreed. “Remi should have told everyone what was going on. If he had told Eden that Cash was there things might have turned out differently,” someone else stipulated. “I don’t think Cash hurt Tim but the police will.”

“Remi should have said something to let them all know what Cash told him, anyway I’m looking forward to tomorrow night’s episode,” another said. “And I hope Abigail doesn’t get hurt trying to get the information out of Nerida, she’s playing a dangerous game.”

For a police officer, Cash sure finds himself in a lot of trouble. Photo: Seven
For a police officer, Cash sure finds himself in a lot of trouble. Photo: Seven

If you’ve been an avid Home and Away fan for some time, you know that Cash has had his fair share of drama since entering the Bay in 2021 — from work woes to relationship drama, to losing his sister Flick. And really, that was all just in the last year.

Actor Nicholas Cartwright recently gave an interview to TV Week about his role, saying it’s been a “fantastic” character arc.

“There are definite challenges, but I’ve put a lot of work into creating Cash over the years. I leave it all out in the studio… I worry sometimes the audience is going to get exhausted of them continuing to flog the one character!” Nicholas joked.

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