Home and Away

Home and Away Spoilers – Bree betrays Levi at her tribunal hearing

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Abby becomes overwhelmed at her first counselling session, while Bree turns the tables on Levi and stabs him in the back at her tribunal hearing.

Abigail’s (Hailey Pinto) road to recovery continues to be rocky next week, as she bottles out of her first counselling session.

It was clear from Abby’s first reunion with her siblings back in September that things weren’t quite right, and it wasn’t long before Abby admitted to big brother Levi (Tristan Gorey) that she was struggling with drug addiction.

After saving her from a shady guy she owed money to in the city, Levi and other sister Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) supported Abby as she went cold turkey. But whilst she is now through the worst of it, she still has to deal with the psychological issues.

Having tried a group counselling session, Abby quickly decided that it wasn’t for her. Levi was eventually able to convince Abby to see a counsellor one-on-one, but Abby is annoyed when Levi is forced to pull out of accompanying her next week in order to attend Bree’s (Juliet Godwin) tribunal.

Eden insists that she will take Abby instead, but this doesn’t do much to placate her sister, who blames Eden for causing many of her issues by ‘abandoning’ her in her teen years when she started hanging out with her Lyrik bandmates.

As the pair head off to the counselling centre, Abby puts her earbuds in, determined to not engage in any conversation with Eden, and gives her the cold shoulder the entire way there.

Abby’s counsellor Tim (George Pullar) is there to meet a nervous Abby on her and Eden’s arrival, though is surprised that Levi isn’t with her. Abby retorts that he’s busy, as per usual.

Tim can see that there is tension between the two sisters as he leaves Abby to fill in the appropriate forms.

As they wait on the verandah for Tim to call her inside, Abby’s anxiety is palpable. Eden does her best to try and calm her sister down, but Abby bites her head off, telling her to shut up.

When Tim comes out, ready to start the session, Abby suddenly decides that she can’t go through with it.

Abby retreats to the van as Eden is left to apologise to Tim, telling him that she’ll go after her. Tim wonders if Abby needs a few minutes to herself, but Eden asks if he’d be willing to wait whilst she tries talking to her. If they leave now, then Eden knows that Abby will never return.

Abby is scrolling on her phone when Eden return to the van, telling her that she’s changed her mind and wants to go home. Eden asks what she’s got to lose but Abby ignores her question and instead asks her to drive her home.

Frustrated, Eden takes Abby’s phone and says they’re not going anywhere, reminding Abby that she said she wanted to change.

Eden warns her sister that she may not get another chance at this after Levi pulled some strings for her, but it’s clear that it’s all too overwhelming for Abby.

The two sit in the van, but Eden refuses to drive them home, deciding to wait it out as Tim watches on from afar.

Abby sees it as Eden trying to take control of her once again, but as Eden deliberately winds up Abby by drumming on the steering wheel, Abby finally cracks, announcing that talking to a perfect stranger about her issues is better than having to be in her company.

As Abby storms out of the van and walks back to the centre to finally start her session with Tim, Eden is satisfied that her plan worked.

Will Tim’s guidance by the support that Abby needs to come to term with her issues?

Meanwhile, Levi isn’t having an easier time of it as he reluctantly speaks out against Bree in her tribunal.

Levi had been forced to step in when Bree had frozen as Alf (Ray Meagher) suffered with agonising chest pains in the emergency department.

Still struggling with her confidence following the death of friend Felicity (Jacqui Purvis), Bree had walked away to check Alf’s medical records rather than attend to him, much to Marilyn’s (Emily Symons) horror.

Luckily Levi was nearby and was able to administer the lifesaving GTN dose that Alf needed.

With Bree refusing to take any responsibility following the incident, Levi was forced to report her to the senior staff. Bree was suspended from her duties, pending a tribunal.

Whilst there had been hope that Bree would take the opportunity to own her mistake and seek the support she desperately needs, it appears that she remains steadfast in her opinion that she has done nothing wrong.

As Levi comes out of the office having given his version of events, Bree can’t help but make a barbed comment towards him. Levi again tries to assure Bree that it was nothing personal.

Gisele (Amber McMahon), who is on the tribunal board, introduces herself to Bree and invites her inside to make her statement. But as Bree begins to read through her prepared statement, she begins to falter, and instead decides to turn the tables back on Levi.

Bree claims that whilst she was checking Alf’s blood results to ensure he was being given the correct medication, Levi swooped in and took over, telling everyone that Bree was being negligent.

Pointing out that Levi’s department is on another floor, Bree tells the board that Levi shouldn’t have been anywhere near the ED, and that he’s an egotist who muscles in on everything.

Asked if she can back up her claims with any evidence, Bree tells them that it isn’t the first time. She brings up the incident where Levi had taken over Remi’s (Adam Rowland) care earlier in the year and performed an emergency thoracotomy, which whilst risky, had saved Remi’s life.

Gisele and the board are concerned by these serious allegations…

Whilst Levi is outside talking with Remi and Dana (Ally Harris) who all hope that Bree is finally facing her problems, little does he realise that he’s now being thrown under the bus!

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