Home and Away Spoilers – Cash oversteps the mark with Rose
Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Cash’s return to Yabbie Creek Police sees him butt heads with Rose over Perri’s case, while Harper and Tane learn the sex of their unborn baby.
Just before Home and Away took its festive break, Tane (Ethan Browne) arrived home to find Perri’s (Cantona Stewart) dad Carl (Matthew Holmes) unconscious in the pool, as Perri sat trembling in the corner.
Perri revealed that Carl had turned up at their Saxon Avenue house and thrust him underwater when Perri refused to leave with him, and in the tussle, Carl hit his head and died.
Perri now faces a murder charge after Rose (Kirsty Marillier) learnt that the autopsy report showed water in Carl’s lungs, suggesting that he’d drowned and that Perri may have been lying about the events of his father’s death.
Next week, Perri is trying to decide what to do about his father’s body, as he tells Tane that despite his dad having treated him badly, he was still his dad.
Meanwhile, Tane and Harper (Jessica Redmayne) set out to explore Perri’s old neighbourhood to see if anyone can corroborate his story of his father’s years of abuse. They manage to track down a couple of people who knew him, but all refused to talk.
Perri insists there were plenty of people who knew about Carl’s abuse, and if they’d said something then things could be very different.
While they may not have managed to find anyone to give evidence, Tane and Harper did manage to track down a box of Carl’s belongings with one of his neighbours.
As Perri builds up the courage to open it, it’s revealed it has a load of his old childhood memories in it – drawings, his old basketball, and a photo of his mum holding him as a baby.
The revelation makes Perri conflicted about his dad’s death and legacy as he realises his dad kept all the old keepsakes.
“I can’t believe he kept it after all these years,” Perri tells Tane. “Y’know, maybe he did love me once.”
“I think I know what to do with dad’s body,” he continues. “I can’t just leave it with strangers, I need to do what’s right. I need to lay him to rest.”
While Perri may be Tane’s main concern, Harper is distracted by her impending baby scan – it was organised ages ago, but Harper doesn’t want to remind Tane as he’s been so busy with Perri.
Dana (Ally Harris) encourages her to do so; it’s an important one, as they’re about to find out if they’re having a boy or a girl.
The next morning, Harper turns up at Tane and Perri’s place to find Perri in a much better mood, as he tells her that he and Tane are going to make arrangements for his father’s funeral.
Tane asks Harper for her help, and she reluctantly agrees, once again refraining from mentioning the scan.
Harper heads into the corridor to call Dana and tell her that it’ll just be the two of them heading to the hospital – but Tane overhears, and is shocked that Harper didn’t remind him, before assuring her that he’s coming; he doesn’t want to miss any of it.
On their way to Northern Districts Hospital, they make a detour past the Surf Club, where Harper finds Dana and explains to her that she’d rather the scan just be her and Tane. It’s an important thing for them to share together, she explains, leaving Dana hurt.
Dana is forced to endure an anxious wait at Salt, eager to know whether she’s going to be an aunty or an uncle, with Xander having to cut off her coffee orders to calm her nerves.
Yet after the scan, Harper and Tane head straight back to Saxon Avenue, clutching the envelope which reveals the sex of their baby. They haven’t yet opened it, and they’re in the midst of a debate as to whether to give it to Dana for her to organise a gender reveal party, or just look at it themselves.
After agreeing to keep it to themselves, they decide to take a look – it’s a boy!
As if it wasn’t bad enough that Dana missed the scan, Harper then tells her sister that they’re keeping the news of the baby’s sex to themselves, leaving her devastated.
“It’s always been me and Harper, now I’ve been kicked off the team,” Dana tells Xander.
However, she’s got a plan – she’s going to head to the hospital and take a look at her records, and find out the sex of the baby for herself!
Elsewhere next week, Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) has his first shift back at Yabbie Creek Police Station, after spending the past few months working at Mangrove River.
It transpires that Mangrove River Police has been disbanded due to the continued presence of the River Boys, with the continued attacks making it unsustainable to keep the place open.
All the staff have been deployed elsewhere, with Cash’s former colleague Constable Jo Devlin (Ariadne Sgouros) taking a position in Reefton Lakes. With Cash the last one in, they weren’t sure what to do with him, so have stuck him back in Yabbie Creek while they make further plans.
While Rose is glad to have him back, she’s forced to point out that he’s sat at her desk. Cash apologises – “my bad, habit!” – before happily moving to a different seat, but the awkwardness for the pair is only just beginning.
When Perri comes in for his bail check-in, Rose asks him to wait a minute, prompting Cash to offer to do it on her behalf – something which makes Rose nervous, considering the obvious conflict of interest.
The tension between the colleagues continues when Cash later asks Rose to fill him in on the Carl Hayes investigation, but Rose points out that the investigation’s closed, and reminds Cash that it’s not his jurisdiction.
Cash is shocked by her refusal, pointing out that “of course it’s my jurisdiction, it happened in my backyard,” but Rose doesn’t back down. He later pushes again as he looks more into the case, and asks Rose why Carl wasn’t placed under surveillance considering he was a known offender and sent a threatening note to his son.
Rose points out they had no proof it was Carl who sent the note, but Cash asks her what her gut was telling her.
“We did everything we could legally to protect Perri from his father,” Rose clarifies.
“Clearly it wasn’t enough,” Cash retorts.
Rose reminds Cash that Perri ran immediately after Carl’s death, hinting that he could well be guilty. Cash points out that he only did so because he’s a scared kid, and it doesn’t justify a murder charge – “Why wasn’t it downgraded to manslaughter?” he asks.
He wants to know why Rose hasn’t called the DPP to suggest they downgrade the charge. At that point, Rose finally points out he’s got a conflict of interest; he has a relationship with the suspect, and by continuing to press her, he’s blurring boundaries.
With Cash having plenty of prior experience of overstepping the mark, will his return to Yabbie Creek help or hinder Perri’s case?
Also next week, Bree threatens to break up with Remi
Bree reacts badly when Remi challenges her on her behaviour, as she tells him she’s only willing to do things on her terms.